Bücher November 2011

frisch auf dem Tisch

  • P. Egoscue and R. Gittines, Pain free. a revolutionary method for stopping chronic pain, New York: Bantam Books, 1998.
    Title = {Pain free. a revolutionary method for stopping chronic pain},
    Author = {Egoscue, Pete and Gittines, Roger.},
    Publisher = {Bantam Books},
    Year = {1998},
    Address = {New York},
    Note = {Verfasserangabe: Peter Egoscue, with Roger Gittines ; Includes bibliographical references (p. 283-286) and index. ; Quelldatenbank: LOC ; Format:marcform: print ; Umfang: xxii, 296 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.},
    HowPublished = {Buch},
    ISBN = {0553106309},
    Keywords = {Chronic pain / Exercise therapy.},
    Timestamp = {2011.11.28},
    Type = {text},
    Url = {http://www.loc.gov/catdir/description/random046/97031745.html}
  • W. Herrndorf, Sand, neue Ausg. ed., Berlin: Rowohlt Berlin, 2011.
    Title = {Sand},
    Author = {Herrndorf, Wolfgang},
    Publisher = {Rowohlt Berlin},
    Year = {2011},
    Address = {Berlin},
    Edition = {neue Ausg.},
    Note = {Verfasserangabe: Wolfgang Herrndorf ; Quelldatenbank: DDB ; Format:marcform: print ; Umfang: 480 S., 205 mm x 125 mm ; 978-3-87134-734-4 ; Gb. : EUR 19.95 (DE), EUR 20.60 (AT), sfr 28.50 (freier Pr.)},
    Series = {Belletristik RB, Teil 734},
    HowPublished = {Buch},
    ISBN = {978-3-87134-734-4; Gb.},
    Timestamp = {2011.11.16},
    Type = {text},
    Url = {http://d-nb.info/1015703127}

antiquarisch erstanden

  • W. Faulkner, Die freistatt; sanctuary \. roman, München: Süddt. Zeitung GmbH, 2004.
    Title = {Die Freistatt; Sanctuary \. Roman},
    Author = {Faulkner, William},
    Publisher = {Süddt. Zeitung GmbH},
    Year = {2004},
    Address = {München},
    Note = {Verfasserangabe: William Faulkner. Aus dem Amerikan. von Hans Wollschläger. Mit einem Vorw. von André Malraux ; Lizenz des Diogenes-Verl., Zürich ; Quelldatenbank: DDB ; Format:marcform: print ; Umfang: 271 S., 21 cm ; 3-937793-24-0 ; Pp. : EUR 4.90 (DE), EUR 5.10 (AT), sfr 8.90},
    Series = {Süddeutsche Zeitung - Bibliothek, Teil 25},
    HowPublished = {Buch},
    ISBN = {3-937793-24-0; Pp.},
    Location = {2004 A 55773; 2004 A 47094},
    Timestamp = {2011.11.12},
    Type = {text},
    Url = {http://d-nb.info/970836155}
  • B. Schlink, Die gordische schleife. roman, Orig.-Ausg. ed., Zürich: Diogenes, 1988.
    Title = {Die gordische Schleife. Roman},
    Author = {Schlink, Bernhard},
    Publisher = {Diogenes},
    Year = {1988},
    Address = {Zürich},
    Edition = {Orig.-Ausg.},
    Note = {Verfasserangabe: Bernhard Schlink ; Quelldatenbank: DDB ; Format:marcform: print ; Umfang: 220 S., 18 cm ; 3-257-21668-8 ; kart. : DM 12.80, sfr 12.80},
    Series = {Diogenes-Taschenbuch, Teil 21668},
    HowPublished = {Buch},
    ISBN = {3-257-21668-8; kart.},
    Location = {SA 22506-21668; D 88/45612},
    Timestamp = {2011.11.30},
    Type = {text},
    Url = {http://d-nb.info/881478067}